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About Me

Hi. I’m Kevin. Hooray for Engineering! I originally had a dream to become a world champion Ancient Egyptian Underwater Basket-weaver but I couldn’t hold my breath long enough, so I changed it up and got a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering instead. Overall, that turned out to be a good move as it has allowed me to work with some amazing people and design and build some kick-ass products.

A few likes:

  • Hail, hail to old Purdue! Boiler Up!
  • May the Force be With You!
  • “Creativity is 80% bourbon and 20% ice” -Jack Doom

A few dislikes:

  • when i think of some I will add them here!

A few callouts for the site:

  • A huge thank you to my wonderful wife for putting up with me. I would never be anywhere as good at anything if I didn’t have your support backing me up. You are amazing and wonderful.
  • Image Credit: The post-it image on the main page – Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash
“It is amazing how much love and laughter they bring into our lives and even how much closer we become with each other because of them.” – John Grogan

In loving memory of my best friend, Leia